Speak English has been necessary in some situations every day - to return the mobile, try to replace the battery of Dell Laptop, buy a tea for colic, get information about some place, etc
Although necessary, you can survice without it! But, I'm here to learning and to become fluent, so, let´s use english in all situations. I am trainning every habilities: writing, listening, speak, grammar, vocabulary.
To get better write I do reviews, read a lot, use a google translation and go on... To improve my grammar I study grammar. To improve my speach I try to talk, pay attention and review the mistakes. But, to improve my listening, oh GOD, is very difficul. I feel lost trying to understand people! I don´t have any strategy to improve this hability and I don´t feel any improvement in these two weeks :(
The most people I have been talking are not native persons. So, it's easier. The problem is talk with the British.
Dois Pastores Suíços e eu
Há 6 dias
ResponderExcluir"Dreams can come true." Take this opportunity.
Take the good care of you.
Paty, don't worry. After 2 months of going to classes, watching TV, etc. suddenly it seems like you've just synchronized and you start to understand everything. You are doing the main part: exposing yourself. Congratulations!
ResponderExcluirTwo little tips:
1) you should write all the nations, languages and nationalities in capital letters. For example: Brazil, Portuguese, Brazilian, English
2) The spell of the words comfort/comfortable. In Portuguese we use N. In English they are written with M. I took a long time to learn this but I never forgot.
Have fun.
LUciana Lana Pinto.
"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything"
ResponderExcluirMarty McFly, Back to the Future
Ei Lu,
ResponderExcluirNossa,foi muito bom receber dicas assim, primeiro que deixou mais paciente para esperar o "click" do inglês... ou melhor, confiar que ele vai acontecer!
Depois, que me ajuda a dar mais um passinho!
* já fiz as as correções ;)
E me conte como estão as coisas por ai? A Quel tem me deixado a par de algumas noticias....
Um grande abraço
ResponderExcluirI believe... but, some times, is a good idea remember! Thank you for me recall.