I bought a Sony Ericson X8 mobile in Three Mobile, cause I would have the Skype Three service. But, this model don´t have this service. I discovered this going to home, after buying, when I was reading the shop advertisement. There are a lot of model that have the Skype Tree Service, only three of them don´t have and I bought exactly one of them, hehehe!
I returned in that store, talked with a vendor and she said that the skype work in the model that I bought. I didn't believe her and looked for another Three Mobile store. I was right. The Skype Three Service don´t work in the Sony Ericson X8 model.
I had to return it. It was easy. I arrived again in the store, explained my necessities to a third vendor (distinct of the first, off course), the attendent called the manager, that asked if I would like exchange for another model. The model that I would want was more expensive in that store. I just got my money back. The box of mobile hadn´t been opened, I don´t know if so, but, to return it was easy.
Dois Pastores Suíços e eu
Há 6 dias
Totally agree!